Latest Update: 21/02/2015
Costa Rica: Information and Statistics

Some information on Costa Rica

Area: 51.100 km2
Population: 4.023.000
Density: 79 ab/km2
Languages: Spanish
Capital: San Josè
Form of State: Republic
Member of: OAS - UN
Country risk 2012: 3/7
National airline: -
Ethnic groups: European - Mestizo - African - Indian
Most common religions: Catholic - Protestant
Currency: Colòn
Exchange rate: 1 € = 693,760 Colòn
Per capita income 2012 - 2013: € 7.435  ÷ € 5.685 
Inflation rate 2012 - 2013: 4,6% ÷ 3,7%
Unemployment rate 2012 - 2013: 7,8% ÷ 8,3%
GDP variation rate 2012 - 2013: 5,1% ÷  3,5%
GDP growth forecast 2013 - 2014: 4,2% ÷ 3,8%
Total Import  bn/€ 2013: 13,14
Total Export  bn/€ 2013: 8,33
Trade Balance 2013: -4,81
Investments from Abroad bn/€ 2013: 1,28
Abroad Investments bn/€  2013: n.d.
Nature in Costa Rica
Nature in Costa Rica (click to enlarge)